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How to Share Long Videos? 2024

In the digital age, videos have become the cornerstone of content sharing, offering a dynamic way to convey messages, tell stories, and connect with audiences worldwide. As the appetite for high-quality, long-form video content grows, creators and professionals face the daunting challenge of sharing these large files efficiently and effectively. This article delves into the intricacies of how to share long videos, exploring the hurdles, the role of video size and quality, and introducing innovative solutions to overcome these obstacles.

The 5 Best Ways to Share Long Video 2024

The Challenges of Long Video Sharing

Sharing long videos presents a unique set of challenges, primarily due to file size, bandwidth limitations, and platform restrictions. High-definition videos, in particular, can be massive, leading to long upload times, potential data corruption, and compatibility issues across different platforms.Too many organizations are content to treat video like any other content — and allow employees to use it however works best for their needs. However, not having a comprehensive plan for enabling employees to share long videos generally leads to four serious problems:

  • Maximum File Size

Even short videos from webcams and smartphones quickly exceed the max file size of the most widely used enterprise content management system.Just 60 seconds of video recorded with an iPhone 5s yields an 80MB file. The same video taken on an iPhone 4 results is even larger, coming in at 150MB. Those both already exceed the 50MB default maximum file size for Sharepoint.

  • Searching Inside Videos 

For the internal enterprise,training course videos that last from tens of minutes to several hours are common.There is simply no way all the concepts discussed in that video can be captured, indexed, and discovered by a regular search engine looking only at manual metadata. Which means anything not noted in those tags is effectively lost.

  • Sharing Videos Securely 

Video files are big.Video files are also almost always created to be shared. Most employees who record videos for work seek to find a way to share them with colleagues the moment they are ready. In many cases, employees will elect to upload a file to an existing company shared drive or network LAN. These sites are seldom optimized for video, however. They’re not built to support massive video file sizes, they don’t effectively stream video to laptops, tablets, and smartphones, and they don’t allow the video content to be searched.

  • Format Incompatibility

Many types of video common in the enterprise cannot be watched without a proprietary player. While we like to think new technology must always accommodate old, we know that’s not true — Apple as just one example famously does not support Flash video on any of its iPhones or iPads. In the enterprise, now is the time for someone to make sure all those devices can exist in harmony — and that employees aren’t locked out of critical training or communications video just because of file compatibility issues.

The Impact of Video Size and Quality on Video Sharing

The size and quality of a video significantly influence its shareability and the viewer's experience. High-resolution content, with its superior visual appeal, often comes with the drawback of increased file sizes. This section will delve into the challenges and trade-offs that content creators face in balancing high-quality video production with the ease of sharing.

Challenges of High-Resolution Content Sharing

  • Increased File Sizes: Higher resolution videos, such as 4K or 8K videos, have much larger file sizes. This can affect the ease of sharing. Larger files require more storage space and longer upload and download times, which can also limit access to a wider audience.

  • Bandwidth Requirements: Sharing high-quality videos is limited by the network and requires higher bandwidth. Users with slower internet speeds face long buffering and download times, which leads to a poor viewing experience and may prevent them from sharing further content.

  • Platform Limitations: Many video sharing platforms impose restrictions on the size and quality of the videos that can be uploaded. Creators may need to compress or reduce the quality of their videos to meet these requirements, which can compromise the original content's integrity.

Faced with the above challenges, content creators need to utilize advanced video compression techniques and codecs to share videos without significantly affecting their quality.

 Five Common Approaches to Sharing Large Videos

This section will present and detail five prevalent methods for sharing large video files, each with its unique advantages and application scenarios.

Method 1: Raysync - A Large File Transfer Tool

Raysync is a software-based large file transfer solution provider, dedicated to meeting the needs of high-speed large data transfers with high security regardless of file size, distance or network conditions, providing enterprises with fast, safe, stable, cost-efficient, and convenient large file transfer services.

The 5 Best Ways to Share Long Video 2024

Method 2: Aspera

Aspera, now part of IBM under the name IBM Aspera, is a highly specialized file transfer tool designed to move vast amounts of data at high speed, regardless of file size, transfer distance, or network conditions. It is particularly renowned for its ability to transfer large video files and extensive datasets quickly and securely over the internet. But as we all know, the cost of Aspera can be significantly higher than other file transfer solutions. 

Method 3: Masv

Masv specializes in transferring massive video files through the cloud, providing a pay-as-you-go model that appeals to project-based industries. While the pay-as-you-go model can be advantageous for occasional users, it might become costly for those who need to transfer large amounts of data regularly. The cost can accumulate quickly, potentially making it less economical than subscription-based services for heavy users.

Method 4: Using FTP Servers

Using FTP servers can be a reliable method for transferring files, particularly for those who require extensive control over their data and are capable of managing the technical complexities involved. However, due to security concerns, the need for dedicated resources, and a potentially less user-friendly experience, it may not be the best fit for all users or organizations, especially those looking for simple, secure, and collaborative file-sharing solutions.

Method 5: Compressing the Video

Video compression is a valuable tool for facilitating the sharing and storage of video content, especially in bandwidth-constrained environments. However, it's essential to carefully manage the compression process to minimize quality loss and ensure compatibility across devices and platforms. For critical applications where quality cannot be compromised, using advanced compression algorithms and high-efficiency codecs can help maintain higher video quality while still achieving some level of size reduction..


In conclusion, sharing long video files necessitates a strategic approach, considering the file's size, quality, and the chosen sharing method's efficiency and reliability. Considering the challenges of sharing large videos, the impact of video size and quality, here again we recommend this innovative transmission sharing tool –Raysync. Raysync ‘s friendly interactive experience and intuitive interface make it easy for anyone to get started. In the case of a weak network environment and ultra-long distance, Raysync can still transfer large files and massive small files at a very high speed. At the same time, Raysync enables secure file sharing with clients through multiple security protections such as user authentication, data integrity verification and AES-256 encryption.


Enterprise High Speed Large File Transfer Solutions

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