Raysync provides secure, easy deployment, and fast data movement solutions for video game design and development teams, enhancing overall collaborative work efficiency.



Game production involves various studios, game designers, developers, testers, and publishers worldwide. They collaborate on the development and testing of each new game version, with real-time synchronization being a crucial element in the production process. However, the challenge lies in the geographical distance and the huge data volume that must be transferred, significantly impacting their workflow.

  • Larger Game Packages
    Larger Game Packages

    The rise of high-definition 4K and 8K accompanies rapid data expansion. Game data packages now range from gigabytes to terabytes, presenting challenges for data movement and distribution.

  • Frequent File Transfers
    Frequent File Transfers

    Game developers work with multiple studios, including designers, and testers. Despite being geographically dispersed, they collaborate on game editing and production during game updates. However, frequent file transfers between departments reduce efficiency.

  • Inefficient Remote Transfer
    Inefficient Remote Transfer

    Cross-regional and cross-border game production has become a prominent trend. The challenge for game companies lies in efficiently transferring game data to their production centers.

  • Data Security
    Data Security

    Ensuring data security is a core task for every enterprise. The level of security in file transfer directly impacts project copyright and subsequent market performance.

Why Choose Raysync

High-speed Data Movement Worldwide

High-speed Data Movement Worldwide

    To achieve stable high-speed large file transfer, Raysync built-in ultra-fast transfer protocols and intelligent compression techniques, boosting transfer speeds by up to 100 times than FTP.

    Raysync intelligently optimizes bandwidth to maximize bandwidth while reducing the impact of network delay and packet loss. This enables high-speed transfer of files of any size over long distances.

Real-time Auto Data Synchronization

Real-time Auto Data Synchronization

    With its intelligent file update detection, Raysync efficiently avoids repetitive transfers of the same files, enhancing overall work efficiency.
Comprehensive Data Security

Comprehensive Data Security

    For secure data transfer and protection against data leakage, Raysync adopts bank-level AES-256 encryption technology and implements TLS encryption during the transfer process.

    At the same time, Raysync adopts access rights and OS rights settings to achieve more stringent access control.

Easy Deployment, Excellent Compatibility

Easy Deployment, Excellent Compatibility

    Raysync supports commonly used operating systems such as UNIX, Linux, and Windows, and cloud platform operating systems such as Amazon Cloud.

    By seamless SDK and API integration with existing systems, Raysync facilitates the establishment of automated large file delivery services between heterogeneous systems, both within and across enterprises.

    Thanks to high availability across multiple servers and different sites, Raysync ensures continuous availability of workflows and 24x7 accessibility to files.

Access and Share Files Anytime, Anywhere

Access and Share Files Anytime, Anywhere

    Raysync enables seamless transfer and sync of data across different networks, storage, and devices in any region automatically.

    Game developers and studios can access and share files on computers, mobile terminals, and other devices using web browsers.

    Supports data collaboration across multiple cloud storage platforms such as AWS, Wasabi, BACKBLAZE, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and other S3-compatible cloud storage, as well as local or remote data centers.


Raysync offers high-speed file transfer solutions and free technical support for enterprise users!

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