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Why is Your File Transfer Progress Bar Always Stuck at 99%?

file transfer sofrt

Maybe you are transmitting R&D materials that need to be put into production urgently to the technical staff of the company branch; Maybe you are rushing to sort out the quotation and rush to pass it to the customer; Maybe the staff at the event site are waiting for your hand to show the product promotion video being sent ...

The file transfer progress bar has been loaded to 99%. You can even think of a relaxed mood after the data is loaded to 100%. However, after 1 minute has passed, the progress bar is still stuck at 99%.

You must have waited anxiously for the farthest 1% in the progress bar, but the file transfer speed is always not ideal, and the 100% in the progress bar is always late.

The transfer management of data has become an important factor to improve the production efficiency of enterprises. Business processes involve the needs of efficient information transmission, information security, maintenance, and management from R&D, design, procurement, production, inventory, sales, and after-sales. It is time to deploy a set of file transfer software in enterprises.

Adopted the smart accelerated transfer technology, the transfer rate is increased by 100X, the bandwidth utilization rate is over 96%, the file outgoing efficiency is greatly improved, Raysync is definitely your best choice.

  • Rayasync high speed large file transfer software provides stable and reliable file transfer speed for enterprises and ensures timeliness, reliability and security of workflow.
  • Raysync supports to customize the file transfer environment according to the importance, it optimizes network bandwidth usage scenarios all the time, without fear of network environment, the whole transfer process can be guaranteed regardless of the network condition.
  • File transfer through Raysync Large File Transfer software will maximumly save the transfer cost and entry and exit cost compared to the transfer via harddisk.

Enterprise High Speed Large File Transfer Solutions

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