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Case Study: Raysync & The Monk Studio

The Monk Studio

Company: The Monk Studio

Industry: Animation

Product: Raysync SMB


Founded in 2006 by Juck Somsaman. “The Monk Studios” is a visual effects and animation studio, located in Bangkok, Thailand. The mission of the Monk Studio is to focus on producing world-class imagery using highly skilled artists and cutting-edge technology.


Today’s feature films have become massive, usually exceeding 100 GB. The challenge has always been to get the finished film to the film producer in the fastest way possible. Traditionally, physical tapes or hard drives were sent by courier to their destination, which is at slow speed and hard to keep the digital content complete. With the physical shipment method, there may be no way to get a movie to the destination in time.


With the assistance of Raysync SMB, The Monk Studio delivered the finished film to their clients located worldwide at maximum speed, while ensuring stable and reliable delivery. The files are secure since the data is sent using industry-standard AES encryption, and delivery is guaranteed - even if there is an interruption in the transfer.


Using Raysync, The Monk Studio has already delivered digital files to their clients in time at top speed. Sending files digitally instead of by courier has also helped The Monk Studio realize huge cost savings. All the film producers are extremely happy with the results.

Workflow: Raysync & The Monk Studio

the monk studio 2

Enterprise High Speed Large File Transfer Solutions

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